About Us

Jim & Linda Bailey started the business back in 1980. Without them this orchard wouldn't be here! They are now retired, but you might still see them around helping out whenever they can.

Mike & Jennifer Mitchell are currently running the orchard now, Jennifer is the daughter of Jim & Linda. They have put in a lot of hard work over the past couple years to grow and expand the business.

Michael & Mackenzie Mitchell run the online part of the orchard. From social media posts, security cameras, & creating the website. They currently run the online store & help out in the store when they can.

Ben & Tessla Mitchell help out with running the store, and with anything else at the orchard that needs done! Without them the orchard would not run as smooth as it does now.

Caleb Mitchell helps with everything here at the orchard - but especially on the grill! If you stop by in the fall you will see him out running 'Larrys Grill'.